The Perm Quay by the River Station


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The weather on the evening of May 24, 1837, was particularly good. The heir Tsesarevich Alexander Nikolayevich, the future Emperor Alexander II, who had arrived in Perm the day before, expressed a desire to take a walk along the Kama. The wide, abundant river made a great impression by its expanse. The Kama quay, beautifully illuminated on the occasion of the arrival of the heir, was especially attractive. Thousands of lights were reflected in the Kama waters, hundreds of multi-coloured flags adorned the masts of ships. As an eyewitness recalled, the heir “was willing to steer… People from the boats of the salt caravan, as well as those on the shore, thundered cheers.”

With the development of the steam navigation, the Perm quays, along with the Siberian and Kazan outposts, became the main gates of the city. Some members of the Imperial House arrived in Perm by river. At the quay, for them there was arranged an official meeting ceremony. The quay was decorated with flags, carpets, flowers and a triumphal arch, the bells of all Perm churches were rung, the choir and orchestra performed “God Save the Tsar!” and “Glory”, a lot of people on the embankment in holiday clothes enthusiastically shouted “hurrah”.

On July 12, 1914, Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, the sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, arrived in Perm on the Mezhen steamship. The whole way from the steamship company to the embankment was covered with red cloth, and trees were on the sides. As soon as the steamship appeared in the distance, a joyful exclamation ran through the crowd across the entire embankment: “They are coming!” Immediately bells of all Perm churches were rung.

Among other persons, Elizaveta Feodorovna was greeted by the leader of the Seraphim and Alexius Skete of the White Mountain Monastery, hegumen Seraphim: “Your Imperial Highness, Blessed Grand Duchess! On this day of bright triumph, the city of Perm rejoices, and all the monastics rejoice – the branch of the reigning family, precious to us, is coming.”

To the ringing of bells and the incessant cries of “hurrah”, the Grand Duchess proceeded from the quay to the Transfiguration Cathedral.

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